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  • Changzhou EnKe Bearing Co.,ltd


    Contact Us:
    Changzhou EnKe Bearing Co.,ltd
    Address: High and New District, WuJin,ChangZhou City,P.R.China
    TEL : 0086-519-86277691
    FAX : 0086-519-86581167
    E-mail : hygou@hotmail.com

    Quality Assurance

       In 2000, we received the ISO9002 Quality Assurance Systems Accreditation. In April 2005, we received QS9000. 2002 Quality Assurance System Accreditation Our products from design to production and sales process, are carried out strictly according to quality assurance system Our management systems are improved constantly with the scientific ideas and methods, enabling our production to proceed in a strictly controlled manner, enabling us to continually improve both the process and the product quality. Our goal in control of products quality is to achieve fantastic products quality and zero products defect.

    Copyright 2004-2017 Changzhou EnKe Bearing Co.,ltd
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