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  • Changzhou EnKe Bearing Co.,ltd


    Contact Us:
    Changzhou Enke Bearing Co.,ltd
    Address: High and New District, WuJin,ChangZhou City,P.R.China
    TEL : 0086-519-86277691
    FAX : 0086-519-86581167
    E-mail : hygou@hotmail.com


    Sale network


    By the customer's support, management deployment, professional service, and train, the Eastern Bearings? promotes the customer with attestation to experience ,and the service that the Eastern Bearings supply make the technical function and value highest while complexity and expenses lowest

    Business data

    The city which order by straight line ,Eastern Bearings brings the straight line order mode in ChangZhou on Match 2004. The sale and the market expand sevarel main cities (company office: ShangHai, TaiZhou, ChongQing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou)

    Market strategy that basis on customer.

    The eastern bearings offer sincerity service to customer, and has profession of sale and technique support troops,offering the service to the customer in different realm .

    Continuously creative

    Copyright 2004-2017 Changzhou Enke Bearing Co.,ltd
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